Clever Ways To Sneak Alcohol Into Festivals
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Clever Ways To Sneak Alcohol Into Festivals

  • 22 Jul 22

For many of us, summer is the season of festivals and parties, but paying for both your tickets and the alcohol inside can put a serious strain on your wallet. If you are looking to save some money and spare yourself from their incredibly overpriced liquor, why not consider sneaking some of your own booze into these events? Security is often incredibly experienced and thorough in these checks, and and bringing your own alcohol onto the festival site is certainly no simple task. Hence, here are a few simple ways to sneak alcohol into festivals!

Water Bottles

Disclaimer: this trick only works for clear spirits such as vodka. A common yet effective way of sneaking vodka into events, this method allows you to sneak in clear spirits without arousing much suspicion. Hide your alcohol in plain sight, and empty clear bottles of water before replacing it with a clear spirit like vodka. Seal the bottle tightly to prevent the smell from escaping, and don’t forget to mark the bottle discreetly to ensure that you don’t lose track of which bottle contains what!


As ludicrous as this sounds, storing a hip flask filled with your favorite spirit into a loaf of bread or inside a sandwich is an effective and creative way for you to sneak some alcohol into festival premises. If you have no qualms about getting your hands dirty, this would be an efficient method for you to sneak your food in as security would not handle your food directly for hygeine purposes, and hence would not focus on the spirit nestled inside your snack. Just make sure that these snacks are allowed to be brought into the premises before attempting this trick!

Flask Tampons

While security in these events is becoming more and more thorough in their checks, they still have a number of regulations they have to follow which revolve around the hygiene and modesty of your person. Hence, checking personal accessories such as tampons is a sensitive issue and thus would not be checked thoroughly by security. Flask tampons are a unique product available in the market that resemble typical tampons and contain tubes that are leak-proof and sealed with an adhesive to prevent leakage. No security would inspect these feminine hygiene products, and with each flask holding around 2.4 ounces of alcohol, this product is certainly an effective way of sneaking some booze past your stringent security checks.

Hip Flask

The methods above are all very likely to succeed, due to their common trend of abusing regulations security checks have to abide by such as hygiene and modesty in their search. However, if you are uncomfortable with sneaking in alcohol through these means, why not consider simply hiding a hip flask on your person? Surprisingly enough, hip flasks were designed to store and hide alcohol on your person, with its curved shape allowing it to be easily carried inside your thigh or under your clothes, securely hidden without impeding your movement. A popular means of smuggling alcohol on your person during the 1930s, people would constantly conceal hip flasks within their boots, leading to the phrase “bootlegger” originating from this practice. While certainly a risky method of smuggling alcohol into festival premises, these flasks can store significant amounts of alcohol and can be an efficient, albeit risky way to sneak some alcohol to these events.



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