If you’re keen to buy drinkware in bulk, our online store at CKB Products is the right place for you! Here, we make sure our items are valued at affordable price points whilst not compromising on quality. As we get our products directly from manufacturers in large volumes, the lower costs allow us to sell you at wholesale prices that are cheaper than retail prices by around 40% to 90%. This means that when you shop with us, you get the most competitive rates in the market and can enjoy the maximum value in your purchase.
About Our Drinkware
Are you organizing a year-end party, birthday bash or wedding dinner? Maybe you are stocking up for our restaurant business? We have a wide variety of drinkware for you! This includes glasses, cups or any other type of container utilized in holding drinks. At CKB Products, we have a vast variety of drinkware supplies available, ranging from champagne flutes to shot glasses, which are great as a personalized party favor or wedding gift. We even have other essentials including stainless steel straws and bottle openers on offer.
Why Buy Drinkware from CKB Products?
We welcome you to begin your shopping experience at CKB Products to enjoy discounted prices! Whether it’s electronics, cookware, household supplies, seasonal products, wholesale apparel or pet supplies, we have a diverse array of items available that will be able to meet any of your personal or commercial needs!
Feel free to contact us today should you have any questions about our drinkware.
2 Pack Toasting Champagne Flutes - Clear -Personalized
As low as: $11.95 each.
Heavy Duty Bottle Opener - Stainless Steel - 7" × 1.5" × 1/8"
As low as: $1.29 each.
Shot Glasses - 6 pack - Personalized
As low as: $18.95 each.
Stainless Steel Bottle Opener with Plastic Glow in the Dark Coating
As low as: $1.56 each.
Stainless Steel Straws w/ Cleaning Brush, Universal Fit 16-50oz Tumblers & Cups, 4PK
As low as: $1.76 each.